Monday, November 12, 2012

Big Plans I tell ya.

I have big plans, I plan to travel and see things I haven't seen. This is a favorite past time of mine to plan to travel. I love history and traveling to historical places is so much fun for me.
   I am not great at finding a partner to enjoy it with me. I  enjoy it by my self. It blows my mind that not everyone is enthralled by history. 

  I have more big plans, I plan to be the best modern homesteader in my neck of the woods. I am going to raise vegetables and livestock. I am going to live off the bounty of the land.I am going to can and freeze my harvest. I am going to sew and mend.
 I am going to really explore my love of cooking. I have always loved to cook.
I plan on making new stews and awesome pies and cakes from scratch. I am going to have fresh bread all the time. People will want to eat my delicious food.  
  I am going to keep my night job and save money. I am going frugal. People will wonder how I save so much. I plan to become an extreme coupon- er too. 
 I will march into the stores and buy countless items ring up the total to 327.60 , after my coupons I will only pay 1.34. Then I will sweep out in a elegant fashion and return to my homestead. 

  I have loads of plans. I am a reader so I need to tackle all those masterpieces I have missed out on. I will read Thomas Wolfe and Hemingway. 

  I plan to keep the house spotless. I plan to buy the best Christmas presents. I will shop for just the right one. 

 I plan to go to more meetings. I need to socialize more. Oh I need to call my mom, and my sister. I need to talk with my kids. I need to listen to my grand kids laugh. 
  I think I need to plan a bon fire, I need to plan a picnic for the entire family. So much to do. 

I have big plans. I am happy with my plans. I may never get half or even a thrid done. In fact I am tired, let me rest before I get busy. 

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