Friday, April 26, 2013

I almost hate love.
   Don't misunderstand I love good love. I love children and spring time. I love a thunderstorm and getting caught in the rain. 
I love my friends and even some of my enemies. 
I hate when love blooms deep in my heart. It scares me half to death. 
I want to run toward it I think I must smother it I must have it. 
Then I think I am insane I cant do this! This is insanity!!
I know I will get tired of this person or they will tire of me. 
This never ends well. 
I lose my mind and fly through the tree tops, I run naked into the lake. 
I totally let loose and become the wild woman of my inner self. 
 I have no balance I have to give it all I have. I don't love half way. 

 I was in a prison of loveless walls, before I spent 8 years in that box. 
I dreamed out loud in my mind. My only life was in my mind. I was reckless in my dreams. 
I counted the minutes when he touched me. 
It would only last a certain amount of time. I knew he roamed so why did he keep me here? 

I seen the lover of my mind, sometimes 
He always found me. He cared not I had married the fool . Who was the fool? Perhaps me. 
He found me again , and my dreams and thoughts and my mind was consumed with him. 
I wanted him more than I did when I was in his arms. 

I almost escaped, my lover would call and I would talk discreetly on the phone, I would be afraid and no one there. 
The fool who held the keys, would drop me off so he could roam in the drug addled world of lies. I would call. 
 I think the lover of my mind was the only thing that carried me through those 8 years. 

My child threatened to  commit suicide  during this time. 

That shook me to my core. 

I had to put my dreams down and turn away. 
I looked to the fool to sustain me. 

This took me deeper into the madness. 

I lost my my biggest supporter while in this darkness. 
My grandpa. 
I missed his funeral. 
I still miss him. 
I loved him. 
That was good love. 
My child is good love. 
All my children ,all my good love, made it out out of the darkness. 

My secret love survives . 

I am kicking off this afraid persona I BEEN FEARFUL TOO LONG. 

I escaped that hell 12 years ago. 

I am going to love not in secret anymore.
I  am going to be happy and love life and really try to love , LOVE

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