Sunday, December 16, 2012

My fantasy vs Real life

 I have family coming in for Christmas. I live in the old home place, so everyone wants to come. 
I love it , I love being the hostess. I love my family. I love Christmas. 
I can see the smoke coming out of the stack and the smell of a fire on the cold brisk air. I see my grandchildren jumping on the trampoline and running with a new puppy out front. I picture poinesettas on potted on the front porch. Homemade goodies plated on the bar. Is that a mistle toe hanging on the porch?? 
Wrapped gifts under the tree, the tree sparkling with christmas cheer. 
Well thats not how it is .... 
I have the all the trappings, I just dont have my ducks in a row. I havent got a present wrapped. I havent baked one single goodie. the yard is ankle deep in leaves. I havent a new puppy but I do have 4 chicken and a tomcat. I have a kooky little kitty who thinks he is a chicken. I have 2 goats who want to be human.
 I am short one new playful puppy. 
But regardless they are coming. How long till Christmas???